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The Univesity of Kentucky kicked off the Fall semester with a recording-breaking freshman class of just over 6,000 students.

"Nothing is more central to our state’s progress than educating a skilled and diverse workforce and citizenry," said President Capilouto in a recent article outlining the new year.

Several years ago, the university invested nearly $450 million in revitalizing our residence halls, constructing more than 6,850 beds and high-tech, high-touch living and learning spaces where students can build and sustain community — making this record-breaking enrollment possible.

According to a recent first-generation survey, approximately 38.9% of respondents from the 2019, 2020, and 2021 graduating classes have remained in Lexington. The data shows how important enrollment is to Lexington's workforce development.

This class and the students that make it up ignite a fresh hope and excitement for the possibility for our campus, the city of Lexington and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.